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Tag Archives: M42

Nice clear, dark, cold evening. Took the scope to the driveway to see beyond the house. Seeing is hampered by streetlights I’m sure.

M42, M43

Image via Wikipedia

The Great Nebula In Orion – This is the first time i’ve been able to see Orion. The nebula is easy to spot, just to the right of Orion’s belt. Gorgeous. There seems to be dark regions intermixed with the brighter parts, giving a 3d effect. The bright stars almost seem shrouded by the nebula, but I’m sure this is an illusion caused by twinkling from the earth’s atmosphere. I hope there are no clouds tomorrow….

M78 – tried to find it, couldn’t….should be easy. I might have stumbled upon it at one point, but I dismissed it as simply two dim stars.